No1 : World’s best Insurance company in America

Call Us: +91 9833221175

( Monday - Saturday)

Mail us for help:

Sai Dham, 37, 1st Floor,

Near, Jhulelal Chowk, Ghatkopar East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400077

About Us

About us

You can depend on us to get a good services

Our Values Mission Company Goal
Reliable Partners
Innovative Solutions
Client-Centric Approach
Customer Care
Trustworthy Coverage
Responsible Community Engagement
Safeguarding Life's Journeys
Enhancing Policyholder Well-being
Delivering Peace Through Coverage
Personalized Protection
Building Trust Together
Enabling Confident Futures
Expanding Customer Outreach and Satisfaction
Strengthening Industry Leadership
Enhancing Claims Processing Efficiency
Cultivating Long-Term Client Relationships
Promoting Financial Literacy and Education
Engaging in Community Welfare Initiatives

The rise of Shri. Narshi Harkha Patel is not any usual ‘rags to riches’ story. At every point of life, he has had rendezvous with the failure and defiance, but every single time he emerged as a winner, only with his hard work and determination. There are several lessons that one can learn from his real-life inspirational story

Narshi bhai was born in Shikra, a small village in Kutch, Gujarat. At the age of 3, he lost his father and was exposed early on to the
plight of poverty. In the most unfortunate conditions, his mother managed to raise Narshi bhai and his 5 siblings, with the values
that we most admire in him today.

We have a great history to start our company.

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10th Feb 1988

Phase-II: First Business Venture

31st Aug 1997

Phase-IV: The Success Story

05th May 1977,

Phase-I: Struggle in Mumbai

12th Feb 1992

Phase-III: Chasing the Dream at Nashik

18th Apr 2005

decided to move back to Mumbai
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Team member

Our expert team members will assist you.

Our team of seasoned professionals is at your service, ready to provide you with comprehensive assistance. Count on us to navigate complexities and offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Your peace of mind is our priority, and our expert team is here to ensure you receive the guidance you deserve.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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